4.5.3 Queue Example: Next in Line
In this example, we are adding name to a virtual line using a queue.
Let’s walk through a simple example where we will add 4 names, Jessica, Jacob, Jayden, and Jackson.
Let’s put our four names in, in order. First, we add Jessica
Next we will enter Jacob. Notice the name is added below.
We continue with Jayden and Jackson
Each time, the new name is added to the back of the list, just like the person is joining the virtual line at the back.
Now let’s take a look at how the names are removed:
Jessica got in line first, so she is the first to come off the queue.
Notice how we access each name in the queue with the front command and then remove the name with the pop command. Once removed, this name is lost, so there is no way to loop through and view each name without removing it entirely from the queue.
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